Good Morning! I talk often of letting go of what doesn’t serve you today and of looking in the mirror daily. I want to work on both a bit more today. Life is a journey… if it were a destination, it would be death because every living thing pursues this… so which do...
As we get closer to the farmers’ markets opening, I want to share more – less widely known – vegetables. Time to increase your options when making dinner! Fennel has never been a part of the menu for my family. Why? I have no idea. I have never had...
I write a LOT about nutrition and exercise. I think that is because most people have the wrong mindset towards both, and they are vitally important to your health. But I realize that I don’t talk enough about our mental wellbeing. I design and post a lot of memes...
When I started the last blog post, I had a specific direction I was headed, and of course, I veered off course on a tangent.. a good one, but a tangent, nonetheless. So, to get back on track, the beginning from the last post is relevant. I talked about my...
I’ve talked about my transition from an IT Director to an unemployed student. The transition wasn’t easy, I can’t lie. And I know the struggles aren’t over yet. BUT. I had a choice; I could continue to hate my job and my life OR I could bite the bullet and dive into...
I met a very interesting person at the bookstore the other morning. You know, I can never have enough books. He has begun his journey of healing and asked about high blood pressure. This blog post is for him. Remember that our bodies are self-healing. All the little...