Good Morning! Have you ever had those days where you are all kinds of wonky? Something isn’t right… you feel.. blah? You just don’t have the energy you should? You are cranky with the world? I know I do. 

Those are the days we have to push through. Make sure we are taking our vitamins and force ourselves to do something active. This breaks through that wonky, odd, out of sorts, cranky feeling. Don’t sit. Don’t wallow. Don’t give in. Yes, there are days we need to just take a step back and rest, but on wonky days, we need to push through. I’ll explain why.

On those weird days where something doesn’t feel right on the inside we need to move. Typically, our hormones are out of whack which means mentally we are off – brain fog, mood swings, crankiness, etc., and our energy is low – listless, wanting to sleep all day, dragging even with caffeine, etc. Two things that help rebalance you are the right foods / supplements and exercise. I can tell the days I miss my vitamins fairly quickly… and on the days I miss exercise.. OH BOY! Don’t get me started. My body is so in tune with how I typically am, that when I am thrown off kilter (like I was earlier this week) my body goes haywire… aaaaand that means I have an “all kinds of wonky” couple of days. If I catch it early enough, I can minimize those wonky days, but if not, I get to suffer through them. Get outside, enjoy the earth, explore, have an adventure. 

 Don’t let those all kinds of wonky days manage your lifestyle. MANAGE those days better and enjoy life to the fullest degree you can. 

If you find you are having a LOT of those days, you need to step back and figure out why. If your diet and exercise are good, what is stressing you out?  Is your circadian rhythm off (sleep cycle)? Are you drinking too much alcohol? Are you consuming too much sugar and / or processed foods? Once you figure out the why, it is easy to fix. 

Take time each day to meditate – look in the mirror and discover the beauty there. Work towards improving your life. Find a good tribe and share your life with them freely and joyfully. Get outdoors to breathe in the fresh air, explore new places, have new adventures alone or with those you love being around. Learn some new recipes or cooking techniques and enjoy good food with good company. Remember you are not an island. You have people that love you – people that depend on you. Don’t take out your rotten no-good days on them. Find joy with them and love them wholly.


Blessings – E

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