NJH Blog
Join me on my journey to health and wellness. Find tips on healing, nutrition, gardening, natural cleaning and much, much more.
Alzheimer’s Disease Classified as Type 3 Diabetes
Type 3 Diabetes: The brain’s insulin resistance and insulin-like growth factor dysfunction.
Depression, Anxiety and the Holiday Season
Do you struggle during the holidays? Do you wish you could enjoy the holidays? Do you dislike the large groups, loud noises, and inevitable arguments? Do you just feel “blah” and can’t pull yourself out of the doldrums?
Choosing Between Dynamic and Static Exercise Types
Most of our body muscle is built in your 20s and 30s. If you were / are active in that period of your life, you have a higher chance of living a longer HEALTHIER life.
Are You Chasing Health Instead of Healing?
The primary difference between allopathic medicine and naturopathic medicine in its simplest form is that allopathic medicine puts a bandaid on things where naturopathic medicine cures.
Understanding and Resolving the FAWN Response
The FAWN response is one in which one will acquiesce to others in order to have peace.
Understanding and Resolving the FREEZE Response
The FREEZE response is one in which you associate danger with people directly. It is also known as a “camouflage” response because it is similar to an animal that freezes hoping the predator will not notice them and leave.
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Tyler, TX USA
natural joy healing
To become a driving force of change within this country. To teach a better way of living and healing. I hope to realign people’s vision of health and healthcare through individual and community alliances.